New Ways to Connect With Us!

In Addition to how we reach out to you, there are more ways for you to contact us. And be on the look out for Weekly Newsletters!
Absence Reporting:
We Understand that some absences are unavoidable. In those instances we have 2 ways for you to let us know about an unanticipated absence.  
  1. Give us a call on our Attendance Hotline. Leave a message that includes the child's name, class/teacher and the reason for your child's absence. We ask that you call between 7am and 9am on the date of the child's absence. Call us at 347-687-3141.
  2. Fill out our Absence Form HERE. It will automatically be sent to us.
If there is an anticipated absence, we ask that you let us know as soon as you do. An example of this type of absence is a scheduled medical procedure. We ask that you provide us with documentation and that you connect with the school's Pupil Accounting Secretary so that she can log it in our system.
Contact Forms:
If you haven't returned your child's emergency contact information, you can do it online now! Fill out the form HERE and it will sent directly to us!